PHSM-Event 3.1

Calendar icon


PHSM-Event is a Window Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 Desktop gadget

PHSM-Event is a small countdown program for Events.

  • PHSM-Event supports displaying in a larger window and in full screen by double-click on the gadget.
  • Colors and text can be configured.
  • When the date for the event is reached a self chosen message is shown.
  • Possibility for playing a sound-clip when the event is reached.
  • Countdown to the event is shown every year.
  • For previous events it can be chosen to show the time elapsed, since the event occurred the first time.
  • Can also be shown in a browser and can here be configured by pressing F2.
  • The following languages are supported: English, German, French, Spanish and Danish.
  • PHSM-Event can be inserted in an iframe or a frame on a webpage, as here to the right ►



Update of a current installation of PHSM-Event:

  1. Unpack the file to a local drive.
  2. Double-click the update.cmd file and follow the instructions.

Installation under Windows 7 (Vista):

  1. Download and unpack the file
  2. Double-click the PHSM-Event.gadget file.
  3. Ignore the warning about missing digital signature and click the "Install" button.
  4. Place the Gadget where you want it on the desktop.

Installation under Windows 8, 10 & 11:

Windows 8, 10 & 11 no longer support gadgets.  To get gadget support, the missing files which comes from the beta versions of Windows 8 can be installed.  These files including an installation program can be downloaded from this address: - or they can be downloaded from

  1. Run the downloaded installation program 8GadgetPackSetup.msi
  2. Follow the procedure for Windows 7 installation here above.

Click on gadget and press F2 for Settings.


Version 3.1 (08-08-2024):

  • Added: More .cmd files in BrowserSupport to open in browsers in App-mode or Kiosk-mode.
  • Fixed: In Browser mode the window could not be closed with Alt+F4.

Version 3.0 (04-04-2023):

  • Changed: A popup window is now always displayed on the anniversary of previous events. The popup window for future events several years ahead in time will not be displayed until the specified year.
  • Changed: The previous setting "Show annually" is now replaced with the setting "Show elapsed time". "Show elapsed time" only has effect for past events - not for future events or events without a year. When "Show Elapsed Time" is enabled, the first year of the event is displayed. When the setting is deactivated, the year for the next
  • anniversary is displayed.
  • Fixed: Problems with the popup window if the computer was turned on in the first 24 hours after an event had occurred.
  • Fixed: Problems when pressing F4 in some browsers.

Version 2.51 (26-12-2022):

  • Fixed: When an event occurred, the word "year"/"years" at the end of the event alert was always shown in Danish ("år").

Version 2.5 (12-12-2022):

  • Added: It is now possible to repeat the countdown to the event every year without having to change the value of the Year field. In the Settings dialog select the new option: "Show annually" or use a blank Year field. Then the gadget will countdown to the next event with the entered date, either in the current year, or in the next year, if the date is passed in the current year. When using this option, the gadget will not show the time elapsed since the event, after it has occurred, it will always show the time remaining until the next event. If the date is February 29th, the gadget will count down to the 1st of March in non leap years.
  • Added: Annually/single countdown can be toggled with F4 or Shift+Middle-click.
  • Added: In the Settings dialog the values entered in the Date and Time fields are now validated, so it is not possible to save invalid values like for example 60 Minutes.
  • Fixed: If the computer is off at the start time for the event, the event alert will now still be shown, if the computer is turned on within the first 24 hours after the event occurred.
  • Fixed: The version number shown in the Settings dialog now uses the version number of the loaded gadget instead of the installed gadget. This makes it easier to spot if the gadget has not been re-loaded after an update. In browser mode the version number is now also shown in the title bar/tab.

Version 2.4 (11-11-2022):

  • Added: it is now possible to have a .wav or .mp3 sound clip played, when the time of the event occurs. To do so, add this code to the "Text to show when the event occurs" in the Settings dialog:
    • <play number sound-file>
    • Use for example: <play 3 CloseEncounters.wav> to play the file CloseEncounters.wav three times.
    • The number can be omitted - then it defaults to 1.
    • Set number to -1 for infinite repetitions.
    • The file type can be omitted for .wav files.
    • The sound file has to be placed in the same directory as the PHSM-Event.htm file, or the full path to the sound file has to be entered.
    • The sound can be tested by Shift-click on the window.
    • The sound can be stopped by clicking on the window.
  • Changed: When "show weeks" is selected, the seconds will only be shown in the last 24 hours before the event.
  • Changed: If the first unit in the time display has the value of 0, it will always be hidden - i.e., "0 days, 1 hour and 2 minutes" will be shown as "1 hour and 2 minutes", but "1 day, 0 hours and 2 minutes" will not be changed.
  • Fixed: Some issues in Browser mode when opening in bigger window when the event occurs.

Version 2.32 (24-07-2022):

  • Fixed: When showing seconds "1 minute and " was shown as "1 minute".

Version 2.31 (07-07-2022):

  • Added: Middle-click can now also be used to toggle showing weeks.
  • Changed: The default colors are changed to Gold and Lightgreen.

Version 2.3 (04-04-2022):

  • Added: The number of days can now be shown as weeks and days. Press F8 to toggle this setting or check the box labeled "show weeks" in the settings dialog. If years or weeks are shown, the seconds will be hidden. If both years and weeks are shown, the minutes will also be hidden.
  • Added: The settings can now also be saved in Internet Explorer on local hard disk.

Version 2.23 (16-03-2022):

  • Fixed: Perpetual double-clicking on the gadget would open numerous big windows instead of just focusing the already opened window.
  • Fixed: The version number did not show up correttly.

Version 2.22 (14-03-2022):

  • Added: The big window will now be opened when the event occurs.

Version 2.21 (14-02-2022):

  • Added: The version number is now shown in the upper right corner of the Settings dialog.
  • Added: Update.cmd which can be used to update a current installation of PHSM-Event without having to close the gadget (as you have to when running PHSM-Event.gadget), thus preserving the settings. Unpack the downloaded archive to a local drive and double-click on update.cmd to run the update.

Version 2.2 (14-02-2022):

  • First public release.