International Language Codes


With the form on this page you can look up the International Language Codes (according to ISO  639) for all languages in the World.

The names of the languages on this page are displayed in their English form.

Not all languages has a 2-letter Language Code (e.g. Acoli).  Some of the languages has two 3-letter Language Codes (e.g. Albanian).  Hence the form is provided with two fields for 3-letter Language Code.

In the field  Freetext  you can enter a part of the name of a language, whereafter Language Codes and Language Name will be found for all language names that contains the entered text.  Every new click on the OK-button to the right of the freetext-field will jump to the next language that contains the entered string.  For example a freetext-search on "ongo" will find the following languages:

2-letter Language Code: Fill out the desired field and press the
OK-button to the right of the field to
have the other fields filled out.
3-letter Language Code 1:
Language Name:
Freetext:     (Repeat click)

In browsers with slow JavaScript execution it may take a few seconds before Language Codes or Language Name is found.  At freetext-search the JavaScript interpreter in some browsers can not distinguish between upper- and lowercase for some of the characters beside A-z  (i.g. É and é).


Show List:

sorted after Language Name
sorted after 2-letter Language Code
sorted after 3-letter Language Code
based on Freetext-search

At slow JavaScript execution it may take quite some time before the list is displayed.  Especially it may take a long time the first time  sorted after Language Code  is chosen.  Some browsers (Microsoft Internet Explorer) may suggest to abort the script - just answer No to this.

Last updated January 15th 2002. Download this page without graphics (8,975 bytes).