With the form on this page you can look up the International Language Codes
(according to ISO639)
for all languages in the World.
The 2-letter Language Codes may for example be used in the your browsers language setup.
For this use the Language Code is sometimes extended with a Country Code
to specify a certain dialect. (e.g. en-US for American English).
The 3-letter Language Codes (MARC codes, ISO 639/2) covers a much larger number of languages
than the 2-letter codes, including several dialects.
The names of the languages on this page are displayed in their English form.
Not all languages has a 2-letter Language Code (e.g. Acoli). Some of
the languages has two3-letter Language Codes (e.g. Albanian).
Hence the form is provided with two fields for 3-letter Language Code.
In the field Freetext you can enter a part of the name of a language,
whereafter Language Codes and Language Name will be found for
all language names that contains the entered text. Every
new click on the OK-button to the right of the freetext-field will
jump to the next language that contains the entered string.
For example a freetext-search on "ongo" will find the following languages:
Mongo (Lolo, Bantu)
Niger-Kordofanian (Niger-Congo)
At slow JavaScript execution it may take quite some time before the list is displayed.
Especially it may take a long time the first time sorted after Language Code
is chosen. Some browsers (Microsoft Internet Explorer) may suggest to abort the script -
just answer No to this.
Last updated January 15th 2002.
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